【同义词辨析】 2019-06-12 悲哀sadness-gloom

sadness: is a general term that carries no suggestion of the cause, extent, or exact nature of low spirits: a feeling of ~ marked the farewell dinner.  告别晚餐

depression: suggests a condition in which one feels let down, disheartened, despondent, or enervated: under a doctor's care for serious ~.   (despondent绝望,指无可挽救的深深悲哀和失望implies a deep sadness arising from a conviction of uselessness of further efforts,如despondent over the death of his father父亲死后他陷入绝望) (enervate使人虚弱疲倦to make someone feel weak and tired,如an enervating disease/climate使人衰弱的疾病/使人感到乏力的气候)   let downdishearten泛指失去希望或信心to cause to lose hope or confidence,属于基础词,不和其它同义词做比较  depression抑郁症是致命疾病,是这一组中最严重的

melancholy: suggests a mood of sad and serious but not wholly unpleasant pensiveness: old love letters that gave her cause for ~.   pensive愁思, 表示如梦如愁的情绪,如秦观的"自在飞花轻似,无边丝语细如"

melancholia: applies to a disordered mental state characterized by settled deep depression: fell into a state of ~ after her husband's death.  settle形容安定,指从不安到安定下来 deep形容程度深

dejection: implies a usually passing mood of one who is downcast or dispirited from a natural or logical cause: a struggling actor used to periods of ~.   (downcast低垂失望,特别有屈辱羞愧的意味implies being overcome by shame, mortification, or loss of hope ,如negative reviews left the actors feeling downcast负面评价让演员感到屈辱羞愧  注意不要写成despirited,因为没有达到预期目标而失望如a dispirited and resigned expression on her face她脸上气馁和无奈的表情  

gloom: applies to either the extreme sadness of the person afflicted by any of these moods or conditions OR the atmosphere or the effect on others created by one so afflicted: a universal ~ engulfed the devastated town.   解释中OR是分界线

sadness悲伤: 泛指精神低落,但未指明原因范围性质,depression抑郁: 表示失望绝望疲惫的严重状况,melancholy哀愁: 表示真心悲伤的但苦中有甜愁思(如例句中的情书),melancholia抑郁: 指精神失常的状态,严重抑郁,dejection低落: 通常只是暂时失望气馁,gloom忧郁阴暗: 可以表示某人自己极为悲伤,或表示给人制造的印象氛围

记忆方法: 1)首字母SDMMDG前三个从前往后想成SaD Man,后三个从后往前想成GooD Man悲伤的人好的人<==悲伤   "悲伤是理解世界的门径",是一种特殊才能,有它的好处。但过度会损害身体,造成各种疾病,因此应该及时抒解心情学会释放

         2)悲伤的意思是不快乐精神低落mean the state of mind of one who is unhappy or low-spirited.